Sosandra's Temple Therma - Campi Flegrei on-line

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Sosandra's Temple Therma

ARCHEOLOGY > Baia > Terme di Baia

It’s a rectangular hall included between two big parallel steps divided into three terraces:
On the high terrace there is a living room with different areas decorated by niches where Sosandra’s statue was found.
The statue is attributed to the artist Calamide lived in the first half of the 5 century B.C.
This find has been identified like a “Venus” that answered to the artistic and ethic ideal of that period: the Goddess is, infact, severely dressed and she’s wearing also a heavy “himation”.
A vault hall with a beautiful polychrome mosaic where the statue of Mercurius was found.
The middle terrace contains a small nymph-theatre with a circular basin, increased by an aqueduct, at the centre of the orchestra: it was a fashionable building among the villas and that was used for mime performance, miths, erotic tales, acting and musical auditions.

The inferior terrace that represents the most harmonious and complete architectural scenography of the whole thermal complex, was formed by a big square “piscina”.

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