Flavian Amphitheatre - Campi Flegrei on-line

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Flavian Amphitheatre


The place for theatrical shows of a high artistic level is, certainly, the great Neronian-Flavian amphitheatre, the third largest in Italy after the Colosseum and the one in Capua, already destined for that purpose back in 1983, but then abandoned after the well-known events of bradyseism.
A recent intervention of conservative restoration and the construction of a wooden structure, modern and functional, but respecting the archaeological existences, allow the use of the monuments, as it was in ancient times, with the audience not only in a suitable area of the cavea, but also in the arena. During the summer, theatrical plays and concerts of a high cultural level are organised, in a breathtaking setting that is in no way inferior to the Arena of Verona or the ancient theatres of Taormina and Agrigento.

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